Student Services
Stanley G. Falk School, a New York State Education Department approved Special Day School, provides educational programming for students aged 5-21 years in grades K-12, who have special learning, social, and emotional needs. Classroom instruction and related services are provided according to each student's Individualized Education Plan. Students receive instruction in highly structured 6:1:1 classroom settings. The highly qualified staff provide students with the academic, social, and behavioral supports necessary for meeting commencement requirements. Stanley G. Falk School operates on a twelve-month basis, which includes a six-week extended school year program during the summer months.
In order to attend Stanley G. Falk School, the student has to be referred by their home school district's Committee on Special Education. The appropriateness of placement is determined by Stanley G. Falk School, the home school district, the student, and the family.
For more information, or to find out how to enroll your child at Stanley G. Falk School, call 882-0090, or email us at

Mrs. Sandra Santorio
Enrollment Coordinator